Our Global Macro-econometric Model
E3ME is a global, macro-econometric model that is designed to address the major economic, social and environmental challenges that the world is facing. Developed over the last 25 years, it is one of the most advanced models of its type. Its strengths are:
- A high level of disaggregation, enabling detailed analysis of sectoral and country-level effects from a wide range of scenarios. Social impacts (including unemployment levels and distributional effects across income groups) are important model outcomes.
- An econometric specification that addresses concerns about conventional macroeconomic models and provides a strong empirical basis for analysis. The model can fully assess both short and long-term impacts and is not limited by many of the restrictive assumptions common to Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models.
- Integrated treatment of the world’s economies, energy systems, emissions and material demands. This enables E3ME to capture two-way linkages and feedbacks between each of these these components.
E3ME covers 61 global regions, with a detailed sectoral disaggregation in each one, and projects forwards annually up to 2050. It is frequently applied at national level, in Europe and beyond, as well as for wider European and global policy analysis.

e3-India is a dynamic macro-econometric simulation model, developed as a tool for state-level analysis in India. It covers 28 states and 4 union territories of India.
The model enables policymakers and stakeholders to assess various policy impacts at a significantly higher geographical resolution than has previously been possible in India.
For more information, please contact Alistair Smith.

e3-US is an innovative tool that allows policy makers to assess policy impacts at the state level, reflecting the diversity of economic conditions across the US.
Key economic and social outputs from the model include GDP, employment and unemployment. The model results also include energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
For more information, please contact Jon Stenning.

e3-Brazil was originally designed to assess the economic and labour market impacts of Environmental Tax Reform in Brazil.
It can also be used to assess a range of economic and environmental measures including fiscal policy, energy efficiency and renewable electricity generation.
Standard outputs from the model include employment, GDP, prices and trade.
For more information, please contact Eva Alexandri.

The e3-Thailand model was constructed to quantitatively assess the impacts of different carbon pricing policies.
It is also suitable for analysing other energy, climate, economy and labour market policies. It is designed to assess policy in a highly empirical structure.
For more information, please contact Alistair Smith.

A cutting-edge model of technology diffusion that is applied to a range of different energy sectors. FTT is based on innovation theory and evolutionary dynamics.
Currently there are FTT models for the power sector, passenger vehicles, the steel sector and household heading. Each one is linked to the E3ME model with two-way linkages between the technology dynamics and wider economy.
For more information, please contact Pim Vercoulen.
This website has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Grant Agreement number 727114.